WWF-Brazil repudiates threats to activists and journalists in indigenous land in Rondônia

maio, 16 2023

Invaders tried to intimidate the group led by Txai and Neidinha Suruí on indigenous land approved by the Federal Government
By WWF-Brazil

WWF-Brazil is concerned about the episode that took place last Sunday (14th), when the indigenist Ivaneide Bandeira, Neidinha Suruí, her daughter Txai Suruí, some leaders of the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau people, artist Mundano and a team of filming suffered intimidation from land invaders in Rondônia state. The group was recording the pressure of cattle raising on forest preservation and, while drawing a picture in the pasture to denounce deforestation, they were threatened and had their right to come and go curtailed by men who claimed to be the owners of the territory.

This abuse took place in the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau Indigenous Land, in Rondônia, recently approved by the Federal Government. The region has been claimed for more than 40 years by indigenous communities, but is illegally occupied by hundreds of invaders. The Uru Eu-Wau-Wau, the Amondawa and Oro Win people live there, in addition to isolated indigenous groups. Although it is already recognised as an indigenous area, conflicts are constant, as well as deforestation to make way for illicit activities. The issue was recorded in the documentary The Territory, produced by the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau people.

This is not an isolated case. Many indigenous lands are awaiting homologation and while the process drags on, natural resources are squandered by invaders and land grabbers who destroy the forest and threaten the survival of indigenous peoples. The recent homologations represent greater security for the original peoples, but alone, they are inefficient for the survival of the indigenous peoples. A strong State policy is needed in order to guarantee the fundamental rights of indigenous peoples.

Threatening and intimidation attempts, like those registered on Sunday in Rondônia, are unacceptable. WWF-Brazil expects the authorities to investigate the case and take the necessary measures to ensure the integrity of indigenous lands and the survival of their defenders in the country.