The dismantling of the Brazilian protected areas!

The ratification of the Provisional Measures 756 and 758 that reduce 597 thousand hectares of protected areas in the Amazon by the Brazilian Congress is only the beginning of the dismantlement of the national system of protected areas and, as consequence, one of the main assets of the Brazilian nation: our forests, with their biodiversity, springs, hydric and climate security and all of the ecosystems that they represent.

We want the complete veto of the Provisional Measures. The Brazilian Amazon is in danger. We need your help to protect our forests.

Sign our petition!

President Temer


To sign the Provisional Measures 756 and 758 that reduce 587 thousand hectares of protected areas in the Amazon is the same as selling our country for a very low price.

To reduce almost 600 thousand hectares of protected forest, that belong to protected areas goes against the expectations of the Brazilian and International societies, highly concerned with the preservation of the Amazonian Rainforest (fundamental for maintaining the Planet’s climate balance).

Therefore, we ask for the complete veto of these Measures. We cannot allow to have #notevenonehectareless.

We appreciate your attention and commitment to the Brazilian society.