Cerrado Biome
novembro, 23 2019
The world’s most biologically diverse savannah is under threat
In the heart of Brazil, a set of savanna, forest and field habitats form the Cerrado, one of the most biodiverse natural areas in the world and also one of the most threatened. In this hotspot, 5% of all species on the planet and 30% of species in the country live - more than 32% are endemic.But the Cerrado is disappearing quickly and little has been protected from its natural heritage.
In the last decades, the biome has lost 50% of its vegetation, mainly for pastures and agricultural cultivation, with emphasis on soy.
To serve as a starting point for those who need to understand the Cerrado and the pressures on its ecosystems, we have prepared this digital magazine. We gathered brief and strategic information about the biome and the solutions proposed by WWF for the conservation of the most biodiverse savanna in the world.