Cerrado Alive
novembro, 23 2019
Challenges, opportunities and solutions to make real the future vision of a more resilient, productive, inclusive and sustainable Cerrado until 2030.
The knowledge constructed for decades of studies and field experience on the Brazilian Cerrado is enough to affirm that is possible to conserve the Cerrado’s biodiversity and waters, to produce without converting new areas, and to support the lifestyle of communities, which makes sustainable use of its resources.
WWF-Brazil has a long performance record on the Cerrado biome. This work started on the 90’ decade in the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park. Since 2010 the organization also performs on the areas covered by the Sertão Veredas Peruaçu Mosaic, and, currently, it achieves others Cerrado’s regions.
The organization along with other partners is part of the Cerrado Initiative, an extensive program of conjoint actions to combine conservation, business and social development to consolidate a positive and sustainable future for the biome. In this material are presented the challenges, opportunities and solutions to make real the future vision of a more resilient, productive, inclusive and sustainable Cerrado until 2030.